January 2021
Contract received: planning, building and commission of a production plant to deliver up to 15 kg / day 95 % Rocket Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (RGHTP) for rocket propulsion applications. Due to more stringent safety requirements of 95 % HTP, a - compared to the production of 90 % HTP - different process technology will be used.
For further information please visit section 'January 2021'.
November 2020
Process development completed: during the last 18 months several requests with respect to plants delivering ultra-pure, nearly anhydrous 99.5 % HTP to be used for example in high performance, in-space applications were received.
To serves these requests process and plant development activities to serve this product were completed.
For further information please visit section 'November 2020'.
September 2019
Contract received: planning, building and commissioning of a continuously operating production plant to deliver up to 25kg / day of 90 % Rocket Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (RGHTP) for propulsion applications.
For further information please visit section 'September 2019'.
June 2018
Contract received: planning, building and commissioning of a continuously operating production plant to deliver up to 150 kg / day of 90 % Rocket Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (RGHTP) for propulsion applications.
For further information please visit section 'June 2018'.
May 2017
Presentation of current status of the EU H2020 SMILE Project (SMILE: Small European Innovative Launcher) during a Eurogean New Space Conference.
For further information please visit section 'May 2017'.
January 2017
License agreement finalized: commercialization of ceramic thrust chamber technology developed by German Aerospace Center (DLR)
For further information about this technology and the collaboration between DLR and WEPA please visit section 'January 2017'.
June 2016
The SMILE project (Small Innovative Launcher for Europe, [Horizon2020-framework]) WEPA-Technologies is participating in, has been officially announced at the European Space Solutions Conference in The Hague on May 31st by Mrs. Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (Member of European Parliament).
For further information about this conference and the project in general please visit section 'June 2016'.
May 2016
WEPA-Technologies did visit ‘SpacePropulsion 2016’ conference (http://www.propulsion2016.com/ ) in Rome / Italy (May 2nd - May 5th).
CEO Dr. Weuta gave a presentation about current developments at WEPA-Technologies in the field of propulsion technology (“Low Cost Liquid Propulsion Systems for Launch-, InSpace- and SpaceTourism Applications”)
For further information and download of the presentation please visit section 'May 2016'.
March 2016
WEPA-Technologies was covered by 'New Space Global', a leading information service of the NewSpaceCommunity.
CEO Dr. Weuta did give an interview discussing historic, present and future activities of WEPA. The current developments at WEPA are focussed in the field of propulsion technology.
For further information please visit section 'March 2016'.
January 2016
WEPA-Technologies will visit ‘SpacePropulsion 2016’ conference (http://www.propulsion2016.com/) in Rome / Italy.
CEO Dr. Weuta will give a presentation and talk about current developments at WEPA in the field of propulsion technology.
For further information please visit section 'January 2016'.
November 2015
WEPA-Technologies did visit ‘Re-Inventing Space 2015’ conference (http://rispace.org/) in Oxford / United Kingdom (November 9th - 11th).
CEO Dr. Weuta gave a poster presentation about current developments at WEPA-Technologies in the field of propulsion technology. (Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines and Turbo Pumps.)
For further information / pictures please visit section ’November 2015’.
Oktober 2015
WEPA-Technologies did complete in October commissioning of a H2O2 concentrator plant for an EU customer.
The capacity of the plant is about 50 kg / 24 h (90 - 91 % H2O2) starting with 60 % H2O2 – fully automatic, unattended operation is possible.
Process technology to deliver up to 98 % is under development and will be available by late 2016. Safe and fully automatic, 24 h operability are key features of the plants.
For further information / pictures please visit section ’Oktober 2015’.
September 2015
WEPA-Technologies did visit ”Pico- and Nano-Satellite Conference 2015” in Würzburg / Germany (09/15 – 09/16) (http://www7.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/conferences/pina2015/) .
CEO Dr. Weuta gave a presentation about current developments at WEPA-Technologies in the field of Low Cost Suborbital Rockets (“Development of a Low Cost Suborbital Rocket for Small Satellite testing and In-Space experiments”).
For further information / pictures please visit section ’September 2015’.
March 2015
Products and competencies of WEPA-Technologies have been covered in the October edition of ‘Wehrtechnik’ magazine (‘Defence Technology’).
For further information and download of publication please visit section 'March 2015'.
December 2014
To support joint development activities of WEPA-Technologies and their partners Dresden University of Technology (Institute of Aerospace Engineering / Chair of Space Systems) and FAR, the availability of test sites for technology evaluation purposes is necessary.
The military proving ground close to the city of Baumholder / Germany seems to be ideal due to its topography and vast area of 119 km2.
In order to better define boundary conditions required to permit frequent testing, on December 08th a technical information day including flight demonstrations of small research rockets and static testing of rocket engines has been conducted.
For further information please visit section ‘December 2014’.
June 2014
WEPA-Technologies did visit ‘SpacePropulsion 2014’ conference (http://www.propulsion2014.com/) in Cologne / Germany (05/19 – 05/23).
CEO Dr. Weuta gave a presentation and talk about current developments at WEPA-Technologies in the field of propulsion technology (‘Development of Low Cost Propulsion Systems for Micro-Satellite Launch Vehicles’).
The conclusion of the conference was, that there is a huge demand for low cost personalized launches to transport micro- and small satellites into the orbit desired.
For further information and download of conference paper / presentation please visit section 'June 2014'.
April 2014
WEPA-Technologies will visit ‘SpacePropulsion 2014’ conference (http://www.propulsion2014.com/) in Cologne / Germany.
CEO Dr. Weuta will give a presentation and talk about current developments at WEPA in the field of propulsion technology.
For further information please visit section 'April 2014'.
January 2014
Additional reference published:
„Development, manufacturing and qualification of a mobile unit to demonstrate fire suppression systems“
(Contract development for „Dynamite Nobel Defence / Germany“)
For further information please visit section 'January 2014'.
September 2013
WEPA-Technologies did present their research focussed on
“Preliminary, experimental studies to develop a micro-satellite launch system”
at PiNa2013 conference in Würzburg / Germany (7th Pico- and Nano-Satellite Workshop on "Technologies for Small Satellite Research").
For further information please visit section 'September 2013'.