WEPA-Technologies GmbH
WEPA-Technologies GmbH

March 2016 

WEPA-Technologies was covered by 'New Space Global', the primary information service of the NewSpaceCommunity.


CEO Dr. Weuta did give an interview discussing past, present and future activities of WEPA. The current developments at WEPA are focussed in the field of propulsion technologyturbo pumps, liquid propellant rocket engines and rocket-grade Hydrogen Peroxide concentration plants.

The very central scheme of WEPA's activities is to provide all technologies at a significantly lower cost than traditional industry !


Some aspects of high performance turbo pumps and thrust chamber technology are planned to be evaluated in collaboration with DLR (German Aerospace Center / www.dlr.de / http://www.dlr.de/dlr/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-10002/ ). (Details still have to be finalized.)

Furthermore WEPA-Technology is cooperating with a well known German university.

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