WEPA-Technologies GmbH
WEPA-Technologies GmbH

September 2019

WEPA-Technologies did receive a contract to plan, build and commission a continuously operating production plant to deliver  90 % Rocket Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (RGHTP) for propulsion applications.


The plant will be designed to process commercially available H2O2 (30 – 70 %) – stabilizers and impurities will be removed during the production process.



WEPA’s own, proprietary process technology will be used – safe and fully automatic, 24 h / day operability are key features of the plant.



The following working packages were supplied by WEPA-Technologies:

  • conception of process design including safety concept
  • detail engineering (process- , control- and electrical schemes)
  • equipment purchase
  • erection and commissioning
  • trouble shooting and maintenance

According to transport restrictions of the product and customer requests a fully mobile set-up using 20 ft containers is projected.



Plants delivering up to 98 % and 1500 kg / day - for example to be used in high performance upper stages - can be provided and are fully adaptable to customers’ requests !



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