License agreement finalized: commercialization of ceramic thrust chamber technology developed by German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Since late 2014 technical discussions between WEPA-Technologies GmbH (WEPA) and DLR Institute of Structures and Design (DLR-Stuttgart) are ongoing and encompassing an intended, closer collaboration in the field of thrust chamber technology. Primary goal is the development of LOX- / LCH4- rocket propulsion units in combination with a turbo pump developed by WEPA. The technical goal is focused on a 60 kN demonstrator unit.
Preliminary discussions were finalized in late 2016 with the common goal to design and build the world wide first industrial, ceramic based high-performance rocket motor. To enable this development and subsequent commercial exploitation, DLR did grant WEPA a non-exclusive license. Additionally a close collaboration between DLR-Stuttgart and WEPA to enable a fast, efficient technology transfer has been agreed on. In this context exists common interest and understanding with respect to driving future technological advances towards higher TRL ratings.